Okay.. so I'm more awake now (obviously) than I was before.. so I'll write just a tad more before buggering off and trying (desperately) to get some sleep..
I have three movie-related observations to make tonight..
I apologise for the first in advance because I know it's going to be a rant, and I've tried to wait a few days before saying anything about this, thinking my initial reaction might be some what diluted over a couple of days (it hasn't) and I might be a bit less annoyed (I'm not - but then I'm an angry individual it would seem)..
Those who might be offended (I may use cuss words when I get into mid flow), might want to skip to point 2.
1. Oi! Lucas! No!
I got
this link forwarded to me the other day (thanks PJ). No, it's nothing new and has been probably doing the rounds for a wee while now, but it basically highlights the additional changes George Lucas has made to the original Star Wars trilogy (i.e not the prequels) ready for its spangly release on DVD next week.
Yes, you read that right.
Additional changes..
Not happy with serving up the bastardised versions of some of my favourite movies of all-time in 1997 (some details of which can be found
here) where we saw Greedo shooting first, where Han (in a "comedy" moment that Lucas so adores now: see Jar Jar Binks standing in pooh in Episode 1 as another example) steps on Jabba's tail (and that Jabba was the worst CGI I've seen ever.. Fuck me, Tron looked better than that piece of shit), and where we got "treated" to loads of "Gratuitous Boba Fett shots" in Jabba's palace in Jedi, George has made further changes..
The bastard.
I wouldn't mind so much if he at least restored the original versions of these films, cleaned up the negatives and what-have-you and released both, thereby letting people decide which ones they want to buy (and, George, as you probably wipe your ass on $100 notes anyway you probably don't need it - but, fuck, some people might even buy
both, which will probably allow you to buy more servers and graphics rendering packages to construct further movies which are over-glorified CGI toy adverts with
NO FUCKING PLOT: See Episode 1 (all of it) as an example)).
George Lucas keeps claiming each revision is now the definitive version and hides the original away.
By today's standards, the special effects probably are a bit pants in the original versions of these films.. But, you know what? I never fucking cared.. Not one bit.. It was the story, the characters, the dialogue (okay, not the dialogue.. Well certainly not until Empire and Jedi anyway as George never could write convincing dialogue for his actors to say)..
The change that's really annoyed me, though is
at the bottom of this page, where Uncle George has got rid of Sebastian Shaw completely and replaced him with Hayden Christensen. This is obviously just in case anyone is too fucking stupid to realise that the Anakin Skywalker that everyone's referring to in Return of the Jedi is actually the
same character that's the centre of the tale in the prequels.
Well, fuck me, is it? How can it be? It's played by a different fucking actor!?
No, go on, it can't be. Honestly, you'll be telling me that James Bond bloke is the same character all the way through whereas I just thought that all secret agents working in fucking British Intelligence had to be called that..
What an arse..
I could go on, but I won't.. And,
yes, despite all this I'll still part with my hard earned at the end of the day and finally buy these on DVD. But I just hope that when George shuffles off this mortal coils, some genius at Lucasfilm goes and releases the original versions of these films (much like Warner Bros finally lifted Kubrick's ban on "A Clockwork Orange" being available in the UK when he snuffed it) and I might get to see the films I originally saw as a child in a nice spangly digital format...
2. What ever happened to Guy Ritchie?
You know who I mean, don't you? Mr Madonna and all that. It's just that I watched
"Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and
"Snatch" (stop that sniggering he means as in "to grab") over the weekend and I'd forgotten what absolutely brilliant films they were. He did that
"Swept Away", which he probably wants to forget (never saw it, but by all accounts it was a festering pile) - but that's what he gets for putting Madonna in a movie. But surely we've forgiven him for that now? Isn't it time we saw him back in the cinemas (and back to what he does best: London Gangster flicks) sometime soon? Hope so.
3. The Blockbuster update
So far Blockbuster have mailed me three movies since I signed up to their free trial of their rentals-by-mail service.
One arrived and was faulty.
One (Posted second out of the three they've mailed to me) has
yet to arrive
One actually turned up and would play all the way through (hurrah!)..
So disappointing so far - glad I'm not actually paying for this service.
Right.. the vitriol has gone, and so I'm off..
Catch y'all later