Friday, September 3

It's just going to suck I tell you..

Trawling the internet at lunch turns up this little nugget of information.. By all accounts it would appear (although there are plenty of warnings that this may be nothing more of a rumor) that George Lucas is going to script Indiana Jones 4 all by himself. This man cannot write dialogue for shit (that's why Empire is so much better a movie, the script was doctored to fuck by talented writers!) and so hearing that he'd be solely in charge of the script for a new Indy flick has gotta be a more heinous idea than Greedo shooting first..
Mind you, I'd be quite happy if Indy 4 never got made at all, I mean just how old is Harrison Ford these days!?! And nothing would suck more than our favourite intrepid archeologist stopping halfway through the film and proclaiming: "Shit, I think I broke my hip".


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