More shameless plugging and a request for suggestions!
If we all link to each other's blogs maybe we can achieve fame, adoration and popularity..? Naah probably not. At the very least linking to friend's blogs saves me the effort of having to add them to my favourites.. (Yes, I am that lazy, what of it?).
Matt's blog is a relatively new one and already hosts plenty of posts (hey I'm a poet and I knew), but he'll soon be bored of it and posting once a week like the rest of us I'm sure.. Anyway check it out! Now! Go on, what are you waiting for..?
Anyway another weekend has slipped away and work looms on the horizon, a mere 14 hours away.. at least there's only six working days between me and a week of sun and various alcoholic beverages - fabulous. Boy, do I need this holiday! I know I'm gonna regret this, but has anyone got any tips for any good novels to pass away the hours in the blistering heat? Suggestions in the comments section will be most welcome.. Already my mate has lent me
Living In A Box: An Adventure in Reality TV a behind the scenes look (or maybe that should be in front of the scenes book? I dunno) at Big Brother 2, written by Dean O'Loughlin and I have Michael Owen's biography to get through too, but surely two books ain't never gonna be enough.
Matt's blog is a relatively new one and already hosts plenty of posts (hey I'm a poet and I knew), but he'll soon be bored of it and posting once a week like the rest of us I'm sure.. Anyway check it out! Now! Go on, what are you waiting for..?
Anyway another weekend has slipped away and work looms on the horizon, a mere 14 hours away.. at least there's only six working days between me and a week of sun and various alcoholic beverages - fabulous. Boy, do I need this holiday! I know I'm gonna regret this, but has anyone got any tips for any good novels to pass away the hours in the blistering heat? Suggestions in the comments section will be most welcome.. Already my mate has lent me
Living In A Box: An Adventure in Reality TV a behind the scenes look (or maybe that should be in front of the scenes book? I dunno) at Big Brother 2, written by Dean O'Loughlin and I have Michael Owen's biography to get through too, but surely two books ain't never gonna be enough.
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