Monday, September 13

The wheels are falling off..

Someone should have warned me.. it'd have been polite if nothing else just to at least hint at the fact.. a clue.. an anonymous note.. anything..
Why did no-one tell me that, after hitting thirty, everything goes pants?
Already since hitting the big three-oh.. I've had my first asthma attack and this meant, after years of avoiding the buggers (for four years I wasn't even registered), I've been back to the doctors every few weeks..
Now something else has come along.. I'm knackered all the time..
Well apart from about nine o'clock in the evening when I'm so wide awake it's untrue..
Honestly it's stupid..
During the day I feel like I have narcolepsy, it's a struggle to get out of bed, am knackered all day, am amazed I get home in one piece due to constant yawning.. feel sleepy all the way through the first part of the evening and then...
Nine o'clock on the dot I discover of this fountain of energy, a reserve previously unavailable to me, and it's like I've drunk about 20 expresso's or something.. thus making an early night net to impossible..
It's madness I tell you ..
Nothing so far has helped.. have tried "quiet weekends", lie-ins, getting up at weekday times at the weekend, but just can't break this cycle.. I think I need some horse strength sleeping tablets or something (but Boots are notoriously reluctant to provide this sort of thing without a prescription and I'm buggered if I'm going back to the doctors again).
Oh well, off to yawn through another day..


Blogger SilentBazz said...

If you can avoid, do..
(But share the secret.. 31 has gotta be worse and I'm on a slippery slope towards my next b'day!)
However I have this inkling that you're as doomed as the rest of us thirty-somethings.. ;)

12:03 pm  

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