Well it looks like I've found a new broadband and telephone provider.
On the recommendation of Sean, I've signed up for PlusNet broadband, who will be offering me 8Mb broadband that's unlimited, plus free evening and weekend calls for considerably cheaper than I was paying BT and Virgin/NTL/Whatever separately. Tis quite a good deal actually, and well worth checking out if you're thinking of switching broadband (which, of course, from today becomes easier). Haven't actually binned off Virgin/NTL/Whoever yet, experience has taught me to err on the side of caution and get one internet service up and running before I attempt to move to another, but I am looking forward to the phonecall immensely (petty, I know, but they started it!!!).
Anyway, as always, will keep you informed of my misadventures and mishaps in persuit of cheaper internet! You know you love it!
On the recommendation of Sean, I've signed up for PlusNet broadband, who will be offering me 8Mb broadband that's unlimited, plus free evening and weekend calls for considerably cheaper than I was paying BT and Virgin/NTL/Whatever separately. Tis quite a good deal actually, and well worth checking out if you're thinking of switching broadband (which, of course, from today becomes easier). Haven't actually binned off Virgin/NTL/Whoever yet, experience has taught me to err on the side of caution and get one internet service up and running before I attempt to move to another, but I am looking forward to the phonecall immensely (petty, I know, but they started it!!!).
Anyway, as always, will keep you informed of my misadventures and mishaps in persuit of cheaper internet! You know you love it!
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