Wednesday, February 14


So with all the broadband shenanigans, digital television tomfoolery and cable chaos, there doesn't seem to have been many posts about anything else around here for a bit, and for that I can only apologise.  It just frustrates me at how difficult it is to get a decent level of service (not to mention customer service) from pretty much every company who offer such goods and services. 
They all seem to want to punt their technology upon us, with tempting packages, unlimited usage and 10% discounts for online ordering, with their flashy websites, the tempting offers, but once they've drawn you in, they don't seem to be able to back up their claims.  Scratch away the veneer of the tempting offer and crap service and customer service lurks behind like a skulking nightmare.  We are all supposed to be able to reach out and embrace this new technology with wireless internet, high definition multi-screen television channels and lower cost phone calls, and the companies make us desire these things and then totally and utterly fail to deliver it.  Or if they do manage to deliver it, they cannot seem to consistently deliver it, meaning that we end up listening to endless hours of hold music, desperately hoping to get to speak to a real person.  Surely there must be a better way?
It's a shoddy state of affairs.. the first company that does deliver reliable service and impeccable customer service, though, will clean up.


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