Monday, October 2

Just like buses..

It's the Magic Number.
Yes it is.
It's the Magic Number.

Well, allegedly..

You know the saying "Bad things happen in threes"?
Well, about six weeks ago, the oven packed in -it just wouldn't get hot, which is sort of a fundamental flaw in an oven, really.  Then, just before the wedding, the tumble dryer packed in - the drum just wouldn't spin, which is sort of a fundamental flaw in a tumble dryer really.  And then we get to this weekend..

..and I should have seen it coming..

"bad things happen in threes"

..this Saturday morning, the television blew up.
It just packed in - it completely stopped working, refused to show any pictures or generate any sound, which is sort of a fundamental flaw in a television, really.  Initially I thought it was the fuse, something simple like that, but it wasn't.  It was fubar'd.  Now after a wedding, and paying for a honeymoon this really was the last thing I needed. 

I could literally feel the credit card cringing in my wallet. 

You see the oven was repairable.. admittedly at a hugely inflated call out and labour charge, but it could be fixed.  And the tumble dryer, well that could be quite cheaply replaced mainly due to the fact that we had some John Lewis vouchers left over.

But a telly?  Oh lord.

We eventually decided we'd have to bite the bullet and replace the tv (when you have two kids, and not a massive amount of access to babysitters you begin to realise how fundamental the television can be).  Now buying a new telly should be a joyful experience, there should have been tears of happiness.. Well I can tell there was almost tears, but they were bittersweet at best.

I just hope that everything else electrical and mechanical can keep going now for about eighteen months as I really cannot afford anything else right now..

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