Friday, September 8

Look outside..

..see that sun? see that brilliant blue sky?

..see that total and absolute absence of cloud?

Can I book that for next Saturday, please?

If it rains, I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it, so one order of "autumnal sunshine" to be delivered to North Wales on the 16th September, pretty please..

..with sugar on top..

It is glorious out there isn't it, though? 
You just knew that as soon as the kiddie-winkies were banished back to the classroom, that the clouds would clear, the rain would dry up and that long-standing absentee - the sun - would skulk back into the sky.  Even though the drive in was shit, it's hard to feel begrudged when the weather is this chirpy..

Also, it's hard to feel down when you know it's your last Friday in work until the 29th September.  That information more than lightens your mood.  Add to that the fact that I reckon that I'll take next Monday and Friday off and the following week off and then two days out of the week after that off as well, and you can see why I might have a bit more of a sunnier disposition today.

Cannot wait for a holiday too.. not really had one this year (despite what some people in the office may think, paternity leave is no vacation), so although there will be a lot of driving, a break will be fantastic!!! 

so there you go, a happy and chirpy blog entry.  Wow.  Don't worry, I'm fairly sure that something will piss me off in the next few hours and normal service will be resumed, but 'til then...



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