Thursday, August 24

Drawing up plans

As if I don't spend enough time gawping in front of a PC as part of my day job, I was staring at a LCD monitor for most of the evening last night as well.  As the wedding approaches you see, things needed sorting.  Most important of these "things needing sorting" was the seating plan.  We have seven tables of twelve guests (the numbers have worked out really well, as it goes) and so time and effort was put in to seating people so that they can mingle but also so that they know enough people so they feel comfortable. 

It can be a bit of a nightmare. 

Then, the mother-in-law-to-be said she didn't want the tables to have numbers just in case anyone attached any significance to the number of the table they were sat at (I cannot imagine it myself, it'd be a fairly lame thing to brag about, wouldn't it?  "Oh Mary, are you only on table five?  We're on table two."). 


So rather than having table numbers, each table is named after a castle in Wales (seeing as we're getting married in Wales, it seemed to fit). 

We also had to design drinks vouchers.

Seeing as the few of us involved with the planning couldn't decide on the reception drink that they usually serve up on a tray after the service for people to have whilst the photos are going on (the choice was Bucks Fizz, Sherry or Mulled Wine - none of which was very appealing), we've decided to give everyone a free drink of their choice.  I would have really appreciated this myself at the weddings I've been to in the past, 'cos Bucks Fizz is just cheap nasty sparkling white wine with the nastiest "value" orange juice poured into it, and given the choice between that and a pint of Stella, I know which I'd prefer. 

Anyway, after a few hours of Microsoft Word tables, Clip Art, careful font selection and formatting, we have a passable looking drinks voucher which just needs to be photocopied onto card now.  Splendid. 

As you can tell, we're really getting down to "crossing the t's" and "dotting the lower-case j's" in terms of the wedding plans now (well it is only three weeks to go, so we should be really).  It's all very exciting indeed..

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