Oh, Brother
So the seventh series of Big Brother steamrollers it's way towards the final this Friday, and I for one will be glad to see the back of it this year. Which is a shame, as I usually enjoy the show (think what you want about it, I still find it a nice distraction between football seasons). However this time, the producers seem to have picked their winner in week two and the show has been heavy-handedly forcing the issue ever since.

Now even Pete seems sure of his "Divine Right" to win the show, even threatening to stall his belief in heaven (as in the afterlife, not the Gay Club) if he did not get the £100,000. Hmm.. Cough. "Wanker! Indeed.
At one point it seemed that he may be given a run for the money, by Gwynedd's finest export since.. well me (just kidding, I'm not that egotistical), Glyn. And it seemed that if you voted for him that it might not be a wasted vote. However, things in the final week have changed and with only 13% of the vote Glyn seems to be trailing behind the others. Boo. Still he has learnt "life skills" like how to boil an egg and make a sandwich, so it's not been a wasted 13 weeks for him

So, if you really don't want to see the man who's had the whole show tailor-made for him getting that £100,000, there seems to be only one viable voting alternative this week.. Aisleyene.

Yeah she may be the most annoying person to ever had the chance of winning the prize, with her Ali-G style "you better know yourself, innit" lingo and the constant blubbing over the smallest thing. But hell, at least her winning be a slap in the arse for the producers who have a lot to learn about subtlety when it comes to manipulating public opinion.

Now even Pete seems sure of his "Divine Right" to win the show, even threatening to stall his belief in heaven (as in the afterlife, not the Gay Club) if he did not get the £100,000. Hmm.. Cough. "Wanker! Indeed.
At one point it seemed that he may be given a run for the money, by Gwynedd's finest export since.. well me (just kidding, I'm not that egotistical), Glyn. And it seemed that if you voted for him that it might not be a wasted vote. However, things in the final week have changed and with only 13% of the vote Glyn seems to be trailing behind the others. Boo. Still he has learnt "life skills" like how to boil an egg and make a sandwich, so it's not been a wasted 13 weeks for him

So, if you really don't want to see the man who's had the whole show tailor-made for him getting that £100,000, there seems to be only one viable voting alternative this week.. Aisleyene.

Yeah she may be the most annoying person to ever had the chance of winning the prize, with her Ali-G style "you better know yourself, innit" lingo and the constant blubbing over the smallest thing. But hell, at least her winning be a slap in the arse for the producers who have a lot to learn about subtlety when it comes to manipulating public opinion.
Labels: Big Brother, Vote for Glyn
glyn should win, for this reason alone:
and because he doesn't shout 'wankers' every 5 seconds, or complain that he is about to get kicked out, or throw a tantrum more frequent than pete shouts 'wankers', or claim that they are a sexual terrorist when they are actually a sexual teabag, or anything else (because - let's face it - what exactly has jennie done?)
on the other hand, i am loving welsh big brother. loving.
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