Wednesday, March 14


People keep on citing increased car ownership as a reason for heavier congestion on Britain's roads on motorways, however I think that this only goes partway to explain why we get three lanes of slow-moving traffic most days. In truth, I think a lot of motorists need to look at their own driving habits when it comes to congestion, particularly with regard to motorway driving. In short, they need to learn how to overtake.

All too often, people driving on motorways just seem to "pick a lane" and stick to it, regardless of what speed they seem to be travelling at and what the traffic is flowing like around them. And they sit in that lane, blissfully ignorant of the fact that you are only supposed to move one carriageway to the right when overtaking. Of course they never see the queue of traffic building up behind them, as they never, ever would consider looking in the mirrors as they're too busy operating their mobile phones or singing along to the "greatest hits of Westlife" or something. The bastards. This problem is brought home when you travel abroad. When I drove across France, you saw that French drivers will only stay in the overtaking lane for the exact amount of time that it takes to overtake the slower moving vehicle in front of them. As a result no-one get's irate as they're stuck behind some fuckwit who's speed matching the cars in the two lanes next to him. I'll admit that this requires the French driver to actually pay some attention to the road, to use his mirrors, to judge the speed of the cars in front and behind him, etc.. But wasn't everyone taught to do this when they learnt to drive a fucking car in the first place?

It seems that British drivers cannot be arsed with all that effort, I mean they already have to turn the wheely thing attached to the dashboard, press a pedal and locate the CD auto changer button - surely they're working hard enough as it it? No you're fucking not pal, get the fuck back into the inside carriageway where you can sing along to your boy band CD whilst barely doing the fucking speed limit out of my way, you inconsiderate twat.

Ahh well, I guess they're doing me a favour in the long run anyway, why I'm in such a hurry to get to work is beyond me. Especially as I seem to be stuck on the career motorway as it is, with the 16-wheeler truck of incompetant management in front of me blocking any real progress I might attempt to make, slowing my journey and generally frustrating me. Isn't it amazing how I'm blocked and frustrated in all aspects of working life (the journey and the destination). Maybe I should just slip on the CD, start singing along and ignore the queue behind me..


I'm sure this isn't what I signed up for..

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Blogger DrLargePants said...

Same here, the scrapie infected fuckers all dawdle allong at 60.99995 mph in attempt to overtake the lorry 5 miles ahead. We only get two lanes as well.

I've got overtaking on roundabounts to a fine art!!

At least you dont get 365 day roadworks and a randomly closing tunnel to contend with!

12:30 pm  

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