Monday, March 5

Sunny day

Blue skies and sun.
It almost made me want to get up and go to work!!

It's amazing though, what the weather can do to affect your initial mood on any given day. I mean if you peek out the curtains first thing and see the weather bucketing it down, the sky grey and heavily laden with thick clouds and the roads awash with rain water, it cetainly puts a dampner (no pun intended) on things before you've even left the house. However, this morning, I left the front door with a definite spring in my step (which had a little something to do with a new pair of trainers, I'll admit, but mostly it was all down to the weather).

And only a four day week too? Lovely..

Anyway, new week, new horizons, I feel uncommonly smiley.. watch somebody to proceed to bugger it all up now!!




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