Tuesday, March 13

Brain Drain

Ugh! Cannot believe allergy season has begun this morning.. A sneezing fit in the outside lane of the motorway is not my idea of fun...


Anyhoo, my mother has been visiting us over the last few days before she returns to the sunnier shores of Spain. Whilst she has been with us, she has been lamenting the fact that, since retiring, she has been worried about the lack of mental stimulation now that she is no longer in the workplace. To go some way to combat this she shocked us all over the weekend by buying a Nintendo DS. Now, her main reason for getting one of these was to get her hands on the Brain Age game that you can get for the DS. According to the blurb, the game is a "fun, rewarding form of entertainment everyone can enjoy, as it helps players flex their mental muscles. Brain Age is inspired by the research of Dr. Ryuta Kawashima, a prominent Japanese neuroscientist. His studies evaluated the impact of performing certain reading and mathematic exercises to help stimulate the brain".

So, after charging the console, she fires up this game and amuses all of us by initially having a Brain Age (well, according to the game) in her 80's. However by "training" her brain (through mental arithmetic puzzles, memory games, and reading aloud) she has already begun to reduce that.

The shocking thing was when she encouraged me to finally have a go of this game. Now I might not have had my first game under the most ideal of conditions, I had had a mind numbingly crap day at work, it was getting on into the evening and I had consumed at least one glass of wine (and was well on the way to finishing my second). But I was certainly shocked to learn that my initial Brain Age was 58!! After a bit of training, and a lot of mental arithmetic, things were improving but still..

I was shocked!

I think the time has come to try and find a career that doesn't just destroy my neural responses as well as my self esteem, as I don't want to end up a cabbage in my later years. Still, at least Kirstyn still finds me amusing.

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