It's only blummin' Friday
This morning had this weird Autumnal feel to it.
It felt like one of those September mornings from many, many years ago when you walked to school for the first day of the new year. You know, still sunny and yet with a cool crisp breeze in the air that suggests that soon the leaves will be turning brown and the headmaster would soon be going on about Harvest Festivals in assembly. Not that any kids these days could relate to this, as the only cool crisp breeze they'll feel on their way to school will come from the Air Conditioning unit in their mother's monster sized, gas guzzling four-by-four. And if ever there was a generation that needed that walk to school, it is this lot..
However there is one slight advantage of this "school run" culture.
Now that the little 'uns are breaking up for the summer, there will be significantly less traffic on the road. Ahh.. bliss. It continually amazes me how much of a difference it makes, and you have to bear in mind that I travel mostly on the motorway and I do so at around twenty to eight in the morning, so you'd have thought that I would miss the school traffic anyway. But no, I too see the difference.
So for the next six weeks, the drive in to work will be something similar to how driving looks in all of those car commercials on the telly. I will be sat behind the steering wheel with a satisfied smile on my face, as the tyres beneath me eat up mile after mile of gleaming tarmac, maybe just over the hum of the engine you'll hear the strains of a saxophone playing soulfully as I wind my way across this great Nation..
..And at no point will I be forced to call anyone a cocksucker, and gesticulate wildly, for moving out in to the fast lane in front of me doing barely 70 miles an hour.
But surely no one would dare go over 70mph, what with it being the speed LIMIT and all??
Is that an UPPER LIMIT then?
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