Lost and Found
They say that anticipation is nine-tenths of the pleasure, but -to be fair- that's just bollocks. If looking forward to something is actually better than it happening then to be honest you should set your goals and/or expectations just a tad higher. Me.. I hate waiting. I'm an impatient person. I admit it. I'm the person who phones up when taxi's or takeaways are more than a couple of minute late. I'm the kid who couldn't wait for Christmas.
So the fact that my Lost download didn't complete until sometime in the wee small hours of the morning really grinds my gears. Now (because of work commitments) I won't be able to see the finalé until tonight. Argh!
At least I did not suffer alone, but thanks for the kind offer PJ. Am glad it is worth the wait, was hard to tell if you were impressed or not from your blog entry
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