Thursday, March 30

Not out of the woods yet..

So yesterday evening I was quite a happy bunny, admiring our freshly grouted tiles and thinking: "brilliant, this actually was worth the inconvenience, the mess, the hassle and the cash.  This bathroom looks fantastic and we've not even completely finished yet".  We set off to B&Q (other DIY stores are available) and bought things like shower rails and curtain, vinyl floor tiles, a mirror, and some testers so we could finally see what colour the walls are going to be (looks like it going to be "Water" from the B&Q bathroom paint range (other bathroom paint is available), which is kind of a cyan, aqua-mariney shade). 

It was all going to well, wasn't it?
I should have known..

Because this bathroom is becoming such a saga, I'm amazed it isn't penned by J.R.R Tolkien.

So the evening rolled on and the father-in-law-to-be comes round to help put up the fixtures for us.. The funky frosted glass shelf and mirror go up with a bit of effort, but not too much hassle.  Next up is the shower rail and curtain which is a faff (because it means lots of drilling whilst stood on a slippery bath) but, again, seems to go okay. 

So after the major stuff is done, I leave for a moment to grab a drink whilst my better half discusses the best place to put the shower basket. 

A shower basket? 

Oh don't ask.  It's basically a chrome holder-thingy which is for people who think they're above having to reach down to retrieve their bottle of shampoo from the side of the bath, but want a baskety holder thing halfway up the wall instead.  So, anyway, they agree on a location for this basket, time to drill some holes..

"There's one hole."


Now if there's one expression you don't want to hear when someone is drilling into your bathroom wall, indeed drilling into your lovely new tiles is Argh (and, arguably, "Bollocks" and "Shite", too.  But on this occasion it was Argh!).

Thinking "Oh no, a tile's been cracked" but also, smugly, thinking "that's okay we've got two thirds of a pack of tiles left" we went into the bathroom to investigate, Scooby Doo stylee, only to see water pissing out of the wall.  The drill had gone right through the cold water pipe up to the shower.

Aww... fuck..

We quickly turned the water off, and then began the process of ripping tiles off the wall.  You remember those tiles, yeah?  Those were the freshly grouted and shiny tiles I was admiring earlier.  And of course, the pipe had been sunk into the wall, so it was not just tile we had to go through to get to the pipe, oh hell no.. 

I looked on at the chaos around me and was genuinely lost for words.. I also really, really, really wanted a cigarette (it's a good thing I hadn't kept a secret stash or knew anyone nearby who still smoked I can tell you).

Luckily a plumber was quickly located and the pipe was repaired, but now we are looking at another night of chaos whilst the section underneath the shower is re-tiled and re-grouted..

Next time "Home Improvements" are mentioned, I'm going to run for the hills I tell you, the only way to improve one's home without dying of stress is to move!!

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