Sunday, November 7

Be afraid, be very afraid

Not often that I listen to anything Alan Davies says (the smug little mop-haired twat), and it's speaks volumes of the quality of the show Q.I. that I still watch it, even though he's on every week. But this week he did offer a little nugget of information which is worth passing on, as he directed me to the phobia list.
This is an alphabetical list of every phobia that the website's owner knows of, and there are quite a few, and they vary from the very sensible (Ballistophobia, for example, is a fear of missiles or bullets - seems reasonable) to the bloody ridiculous (Genuphobia is the fear of knees!?!).
A little online oddity which makes me glad the internet is there for me to learn such rubbish

The cruelest phobia on the list, however, must be Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - which is the fear of long words.. Oh, the irony! ;)


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