Friday, October 29

It's the weekend

Yeah, baby, yeah..
Well technically there are a couple of hours to go until I am emancipated from the debilitating shackles of the workplace, but already I can feel my strength, humour and optimism returning..
Not that it's been a bad week actually..
I'm actually just a tad concerned, as I've not had a decent rant in ages. These pages (I'm fairly sure) used to be filled with viscous bile at anything that had had the bare-faced cheek to piss me off. But I'm unnaturally calm and content. I think my worst fears are happening.. I think I'm mellowing.
God before long Radio 4 or Classical FM will be my radio stations of choice, I'll read the money section in the Guardian ("because it makes good financial sense to be aware of what's out there"), I'll actually own a pair of fucking slippers, I'll consider owning a shed, I won't be able to walk past a nice cardigan in the Menwear department, I'll think Jeremy Clarkson has good fashion sense, I won't be able to miss News At Ten, .. In short, I'll be fucking middle-aged!!!
How the hell did this happen?
I'm still reasonably in touch with the music scene, I still drink too much and smoke too much, I still go to concerts, covet gadgets, etc, etc.. surely these all demonstrate that I'm still in touch with my angry/discontented youth?
Actually, just re-read that.. maybe I ain't "lost it" completely yet..
Now, where did I put my pipe?


Blogger SilentBazz said...

My aren't we the razor wit recently?
I think you'll find that someone who sits closer to you during the working day is the expert on ARSE Pipes, mate, not me..
(no, I don't mean Bungle!) ;)

3:56 pm  

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