Tuesday, November 28

The Great British Swizz??

According to BBC News (who else? They are my Oracle on everything in the big, wide world), those late night Quiz Shows on channels ITV, five, et al (you know, "The Great British Quiz" and suchlike) are being "looked into" as it is suspected they are a bit of a lottery.

If you've never seen these shows, you really should - as they are completely hypnotic.. They all have the same format: a lateral thinking question is posed (and constantly shown on the left hand side of the screen), they have a bubbly presenter to tell you, over and over, that "all the clues you need are in the question" so we may as well all "call in now, and win thousands of pounds". Although I've never called I will admit to staring transfixed at these things some times for up to an hour, I have argued with Mrs R about what the answer might be, and have scoffed at the ridiculous answers that the half-pissed sounding people who do call in offer up..

Apparently though, only 0.5% of callers actually get through to speak to the on-air presenter (only to be told they're wrong, although not in the context they really should be told that they're wrong) with the rest being kept on hold indefinitely on a premium rate number. It really is a genius scam and is compelling viewing if you have insomnia.

Just goes to show that there is one born every minute..

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Blogger DrLargePants said...

Most popular thing women carry in their handbags ? Rawl Plugs.

yeah right!

12:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More like butt plugs! ;-)

9:47 am  
Blogger SilentBazz said...

Really? What kind of women's handbags have you been rifling through? Did they have Adam's apples per chance?

I doubt most women know what a rawl plug is for to be honest!!

8:05 am  

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