Wednesday, October 11

Slowly, but surely..

The evening is being rediscovered..

Perhaps I should explain that statement.

Last week we finally had a cot delivered for the little 'un.  There was no point getting one before that as it has taken her over four months to reach twelve pounds and so the Moses basket was more than adequate for her to sleep in. 

However when you have such an ickle baby, they unfortunately only come equipped with little tummy's that cannot hold that much liquid.  Despite the small amount of food intake, however, their metabolism is still on overdrive as they strive to grow up and develop as fast as they blummin' well can.  What this meant for us is that Kirstyn never slept the night through, and -indeed- rarely did more than about five hours of sleep in one go.  So when you combine very unsleepy baby and the fact that we kept the Moses basket downstairs until we went up to bed at night, we never really had much of what you might call an evening. 

However now she's over twelve pounds, twelve pounds ten ounces in fact, is beginning to eat purees (including strawberry pudding - yum! yum!), is sleeping in her cot upstairs, and has an actual bedtime she is *almost* sleeping the night through.  So it's the return of the evening, relaxing after the kids have gone to bed, chilling out, 'tis lovely..


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