Friday, March 3

Brass Monkeys..


How cold is it out there today..?
Honestly, this is not funny anymore - it's March for gawd's sake.  It's supposed to be spring in Britain at the moment, not mid-winter in fecking Siberia.  It's hard enough on any given morning to have to leave your nice warm bed and face the harsh realities of having to go to work, but when it's bloody minus five out there then it becomes nigh on impossible.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to point out to pedestrians and other non-drivers that people who commute to work in their cars at this time of year are not posing twats for wearing sunglasses. 

Sunnies, it's true, are normally associated with the months of June, July and August and warm days (more often than not outside of the UK, but occasionally we get a warm day around late August, don't we?).  Outside of these months the wearing of sunglasses is traditionally frowned upon, as it looks like people are trying desperately to be hip when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.  However, when you're driving to work early in the morning at this time of year, sunglasses are not fashion accessories (actually the pair I keep in the car are so old they could never be described as fashion accessories anyway), they allow us to actually see. 

The winter sun is so bastard low in the sky, the road is shiny as it's wet or frozen, and half the time us drivers cannot be arsed to clear our windscreens properly before setting off (as we're already late, dammit), so the light is refracted off the partially frozen water on the glass and de-icer running down the windscreen.  To be fair, it's a minor miracle that we can see anything when we initially set off.. So sunnies might just help us drivers actually see the pavement, so that we don't accidentally mount the pavement and knock over pedestrian who is looking at us thinking: "What a twat, he's wearing sunglasses in March".

Amyway, it's Friday, no doubt I'll be back soon..


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