Monday, February 20

Achieving the Dream..

Despite many nay-sayers, critics who thought it couldn't be done, those who scoffed at the merest suggestion of it, the weekend showed that, with enough willpower and hard work, fantastic things could be achieved..

aye - I'm still not smoking.
There is a downside to this quitting lark though, and it's not cravings or desperately longing to light up because if I'm perfectly honest I've not really had any of that.  I think my body is still in shock at the fact that nicotine has been so dramatically cut of my system, that the cravings will only come when it settles down and gets its bearings back.  Although, even I will admit, there was a period on Saturday afternoon that if someone had offered me a cigarette, I'd have taken it.. however my worries were unfounded and I came through it all okay. 

No, it's the fact that when you start quitting, your lungs begin shifting out all of the crap that has built up over the years.  As a result of this I'm having a regular coughing fit that puts any bout of coughing I ever had whilst still smoking well into the shade..

So have I cracked it?
Is that all there is to this quitting malarkey?
Cos if so, it's an absolute doddle..
What was I worried about?
I expected a nightmarish couple of weeks, kind of like the sequence in "Trainspotting" where Renton is forced to go cold turkey, but I can honestly say there's no side-effects of this quitting process that I'm having problems dealing with.. as yet, anyway.

Oh and not yet touched the Alan Carr book yet (still no quitting aids being employed), so if anyone wants an unread second hand copy of this for themselves or for a friend or loved-one who you want to see give up the evil weed, then just drop me a line.

Was persuaded to return to the cinema this weekend too, not been inspired to go for ages (as movies have been pants since "Return of the King" left the cinemas), so it was quite a novelty so go watch a flick on the big screen again.  The film of choice was "Derailed" and it was pretty good, although not as good as I'd been lead to believe it would be but -as I looked at the films playing that evening whilst queuing up to buy the tickets- definitely the best of a bad bunch.  I mean, really: Did the World need a third Final Destination movie?  FFS!

The trailer for the remake of The Fog looked interesting though..

Well another working week stretches out before me like a gaping yawn, so best crack on, eh?



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