"And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking"
Cannot believe that it's the end of February today. It's almost a cliché but, seriously, where the hell is this year going?
Are we really nearly a sixth of the way through it? It only feels like five minutes since New Year.
This is a real sign that I'm getting old isn't it?
And the weekend just flew, I've never known a 48 hour period to disappear in such a flash..
But then, from start to finish, it was a fun-packed smile-a-rama (especially getting to go on Thomas the Tank Engine).
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"
But at least today is pancake day - hurrah!
Can you remember pancake day when you were a kid? It was excellent. It was the only time of year you'd consider using Jif Lemon for anything. Indeed, for the two weeks before "Shrove Tuesday" (as some religious nutters call it) TV used to be bombarded with those oh-so-amusing adverts with people squirting Jif Lemon juice onto an empty plate whilst a voice over chipped in with: "Don't forget the pancakes on Jif Lemon Day". You never see those commercials any more do you?
Then the next day at school, there used to be all the bragging about just how many pancakes you actually had the previous night: "I had eight pancakes".. "Well I had nine" (When in reality you didn't get anywhere past three as they were always deceptively filling).
I'm sure in modern days pancakes are now frowned upon as being unhealthy (especially when covered with lashings and lashings of lovely Maple Syrup) and certainly they don't seem to make a fuss about pancake day like they used to. Which is a shame as it's a right treat.
So, even if you weren't thinking of doing so, why not nip out and get some eggs, milk and flour (not forgetting the Jif Lemon) - it might not sound that appealing right now, but you'll thank me later when you tuck into your delicious pancake.
And finally to anyone who knows me.. keep Saturday 5th August 2006 free if you can!
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