Friday, February 17

Progress Report

I had my last cigarette 18 hours and 20 minutes ago.

Not that I am obsessing about the whole "lack of cigarette" thing, you understand, I just feel it's worth mentioning (particularly as I'm sure Dot Cotton's never done 18 hours, maff!).  Indeed I set myself quite a test last night, as I went out to a public house to quaff a few ales (as you do on a Thursday night).  Pubs are not only notoriously smoky environments but also, in the past, the perfect complement to a pint of beer was a Marlboro Light.. they just went together, you know -so it was a lofty challenge to go out immediately on the day of my final ciggie and sit for hours with temptation all around me.  Indeed we managed to find a table in direct view of the fag machine too. 

But I have the power.
I resisted.

And all this without the help of any of those quitting aids like patches or nicotine gum - as they're for faggots. 
No, you gotta go cold turkey, just say no to nicotine.

To be fair, I don't think I'm actually missing the nicotine that much but I reckon I will miss the little smoking habits that I used to have.. at 9:30 today I will stare wistfully at the office clock, knowing that -in my old life- it would have been time for the 9:30 cigarette, same deal at 11:00..

So.. onwards and upwards, I'm now going sod off and get my fix of my other drug, caffeine, to help me through the day..



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