Friday, January 27

A new frontier

Hey, wow!
Cool, indeed..
Isn't this exciting..?

Well, actually if all goes to plan, it probably won't be that exciting for you, but I can tell you as I write this, I'm fairly stoked.  If you're reading this then it means that not only does blogger's Mail-to-Blogger functionality work, but it also <b>rocks</b>!  No longer do I need to rely on access to a web-enabled machine to allow my verbal diarrhoea to spill onto the internet.  Oh hell no.  Now I can email my random thoughts to my blog and they will, through the power of magic incantations and ridiculously dressed pixies, appear here for your delight and contemplation.  Spiffing stuff.  Many thanks to Dr. Magnetic for the tip-off, what a genius.

So, not been here for a couple of days, but it's been a busy couple of days.. so busy I've barely had time to smoke in fact (so the beginning of the quitting has been shoved back a couple of days, however I am now only left with around 180 cigarettes so time is ticking away on that particular habit). 

But, yeah, no -listen, stuff's been happening.. 

On Wednesday we made our way to the Hospital, and more specifically the Woman's unit, and even more specifically the Ultrasound department as it was time for Baby K's (sex still undetermined) second scan..  This is supposed to be a fairly routine thing, in which a number of boxes are ticked when the scan reveals that everything is okay.  So we expected to be in and out in just over thirty minutes.

However it appears that the World's laziest baby is going to be born this year (Yes!  I am so proud)..
K was not only asleep during the scan, but also only occupying about a third of the space available (shoved into about a third of the womb), all tucked up into a little ball.  Now whilst this looked very comfortable and secure, it was also nigh on impossible for the scan to pick up all the details that were required to get "sign off" (as it were) as a successful scan. 

So we were told to go away and ensure that my better half went immediately to the canteen and fill up on lots of good ol' coffee, and then go for a walk.  This, we were assured, would allow the caffeine to get into baby's system and wake it up for a bit of a bounce around for the second scan of the morning about forty minutes later.  So off we went to the canteen.  Coffee was purchased and, indeed, consumed.  And then a vigorous stroll around the Hospital grounds was embarked upon.  At the allotted time we returned to the ultrasound department (and it was sound, the staff couldn't have been friendlier, however was it ultra sound?  Hmm.. not sure I'd go that far) and waited with baited breath to see K strutting his/her funky stuff on the telly.

So what did we see?
Not only was the little bugger still sleeping, but it had moved into an obviously more comfy and curled up position.. Serious action was called for.. star jumps were tried, the staff even vigorously shook the bump (which was incredibly amusing to see on-screen, it was like a baby being caught in a storm at sea - bobbing this way and that, kind of bumping into the sides of the womb) - but this baby wasn't for waking.. In fact, you could almost here it whinging: 'Sod off, I'm not waking up yet, it's hours to go until Countdown' (and the similarity of my own sleeping habits at University were remembered - at least I know where he/she gets it from). 

So could we finish the scan? 
Could we buggery. 
We have the stubbornest, laziest newborn-to-be on our hands. 
To add insult to injury, the little swine proceeded to kick the living crap out of his/her mother later that evening.. obviously activity will only be witnessed on K's terms and nobody else's.. sigh Couldn't we have a nice obedient, compliant and docile child?

Anyway the second attempt will be next week and if the laziest infant can be talked into making an appearance, I might post up another picture..

And what the hell.. I might even post more regularly now that Mail-to-Blogger works..



Blogger SilentBazz said...

Yeah noticed that - bloody annoying..
Still as a first experiment, not bad I shall just not be able to emphasise my words in future

8:58 am  

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