Friday, May 4

Just like buses

What happened to the glorious sunshine we were enjoying this week? It's cold and grey here as I write this (and, dare I say it? Shall I? Okay, look I'll just come out and say it, it's a bit damn chilly too!).. I guess it's the curse of the UK Bank Holiday weekend striking once more, but it has come as a bit of a shock to the system after the more than plesant weather we've been enjoying this week..

Anyway, finally got around to seeing the seaon finaé of BSG this week.. As sad as I am to see this show disappear for another year (Lord knows that the quality of television shows has taken a nose dive recently.. I mean have you seen this season of "24" - it's more unbelievable than Battlestar Galactica), I was again seriously impressed at how good a finish we got. And indeed although the general quantity of good shows is dropping away (my Sky Planner never seems to look half as busy as it did, say, 12 months ago), the quality of what remains seems to be improving. Look to this season of "Lost" for example.. series two of this show really dragged it's heels in places, but series three has really ramped up the tension, drama and has offered us a far more intriguing story line. Bravo. Doctor Who seems to be going from strength-to-strength this season too, with improved story lines, characters and effects on show. Additionally was pleased to see Hustle return to our screens last noght, it is a charming show, very tongue in cheek and knowing, but slick and amusing and well written.

So, whilst kiddies are young, and babysitters are thin on the ground, there is still some qulaity entertainment to be hard - hurrah!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back in the saddle matey, it's been a while. We just need to get the Nutster and the irrepressible Pedders riding too and well have a posse. speaking of which I really should update myself. And now onto the reason I commented in the first place (ohh look, shiny thing!)

Dude, BSG finished months ago (and yes it was very, very good)!! Surely you're not one of those old luddites sticking with broadcast TV: use the net, Luke!!!

And if you're stuck for stuff to watch I strongly recommend getting the marvellous Dexter and the quite delightful Heroes (yes both are available on your friendly neighbourhood torrent network). I think Dexter in particular will appeal to your dark sense of humour. Also, House is cool if you want some thing you can dip into as and when!

12:38 pm  
Blogger SilentBazz said...

Back in the saddle, and positively saddle sore after three posts in less than 24 hours.

Still good to be back..

Talking of rounding up a possé, when you next oop North? And when you're here any chance of a Saturday night booze up?

12:51 pm  

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