Friday, February 23


Sorry, it seems that the Blog-to-mail service is up the swanny again, and as a result the post I made earlier hasn't appeared here.


Not to worry, it was basically just me bitching about work. Although there are exciting times ahead at work in general, I am currently stuck on the project from hell developing an application for a new select breed of fuckwit who really are too stupid to use computers, although their ignorance goes beyond that really and I'm frankly amazed they manage to walk and breathe at the same time.

So you can imagine, can't you? It wasn't a very positive post..

But now, it's Friday evening -hurrah! And I can look forward to a weekend filled with football, Clerks 2 and Nine Inch Nails (amongst other highlights), so I am feeling much more upbeat and groovy.

In addition to this, the transition to broadband and telephone being provided by PlusNet broadband seems to be going swimmingly too now that BT have released my line. My shiny new ADSL modem/router turned up today, a couple of days ahead of the line being activated on Tuesday. The only thing I'm not sure is how much of an arse-ache it's going to be getting my existing wireless router to talk to the PlusNet modem instead of the NTL/Virgin/Whatever one.. Anyone know of any potential pitfalls? Any info appreciated!

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