Tuesday, June 20

Warning team, life force fading..


Today is the first day back at work and my head is truly up my arse at the moment.  I don't know if I'm coming or going.. It's just going to take a day or two to get back into the routine of getting up at seven and leaping into life, I'm sure, but the concept was alien to me this morning.  I guess I've never had so long off work before, and I've never had to do night feeds at 2 in the morning before either, so it's no wonder that my body clock is a little ruined.

But I've been trying to do some admin, and trying to get back into where I was before this three-week whirlwind occurred but I'm not convinced my brain is up to it today.  Which is to be a bit expected, isn't it?

Did this stop my project manager talking at me for forty minutes this morning, asking me where I was up to? 

Oh no. 
Common sense is not a required skill for project managers, it would seem. 

Obviously he thought I could just walk in after twenty one days away (during which I've probably only got 7 day's worth of sleep) and know exactly where I was up to, what was outstanding, and what I would be going on to next at nine o'clock in the morning.  I'd only just about got my PC to work with the new flat-screen monitor that had miraculously appeared on my desk in my absence about five minutes earlier (due to my old CRT monitor supporting some weird ass resolutions)! 


I'll have to have the same conversation with him again in 24 hours when brain is working at at least 30% of capacity and see if I retain any of the information this time!

Also cannot believe I will not fulfil my quota of three live World Cup matches today.  Pah!  Between that and missing my daughter, being in work really sucks at the minute.  C'est la vie, eh?

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