Thursday, December 2

New Business Rule

I'd just like to propose a rule that should be observed amongst work places and businesses throughout the land.. Maybe it could become part of employment law or something..
The rule is this:
Tedious meetings, if they must be held at all, may not commence after three o'clock in the afternoon on any given workday (possibly two-thirty on a Friday).
This is to avoid pointless babble from stopping employee's who make the fucking effort to get in at a reasonable time in the morning from going home. You want to talk shit? All well and good, but do it on company time buddy-boy not on mine. The last thing I need is to be sat in a meeting room desperate for a cigarette when I could be chilling the fuck out at home, or in a pub or anywhere that isn't fucking work really..
Anyone who is found to be in breach of these regulations will have sixty-four shades of shit kicked out of them.

Here endeth the discussion (as I'm fucking right on this score)..

..In other news bluetooth adapters rock, particularly when combined with nice (free) MP3 editing software that allows you to get rid of the thiry second intro from a tune and actually choose the relevant part as your ringtone (no longer than thirty seconds' worth of course, as after that the answering service normally kicks in).

Checked out "The Incredibles" last night too (indeed we bought pick 'n' mix too to complete the childrens movie experience!!! Fizzy cola bottles rule!).. what a fabulous movie, thoroughly different to any other Pixar film, and less of a straight kiddie flick as a result. Some genius gags in there, and Samuel L Jackson (can a film be any cooler) and the film gets major kudos for having two very understated "Mallrats" references in there (Kevin Smith must be so proud).

That is all for now..


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