Wednesday, April 26

No News Is Good News

I shouldn't read the news websites, they only annoy me..

I mean, you read this story about people complaining about adverts, and you just wonder what sort of person phones up to complain because an advert depicted someone singing with their mouthfull? There are some people who just seem to get het up about anything and everything and you feel like screaming at them: "Full fuck's sake, just chill out!"

You have to worry about the mentality of these people, I mean we've all seen disagreeable things on television that we don't like (most recently for me, it was the Jose Mourinho interview on Match of the Day -tosser), but most normal people either
a) disregard it,
b) change channel or
c) Think "There's more important things than television" and switch the
damn thing off.

Not the people in the article above,
Oh no..
They stop and proclaim: "I found that offensive!" and then they leap into action, looking up the telephone number for the ASA (for first time complainers, regulars will have it stored in their mobile or smeared in shit on the living room wall), dialling the number, presumably wait in a telephone queueing system (as when was the last time you called any company and didn't get stuck in a queue: "Your complaint is important to us, please continue to hold") and then rant at some poor underpaid telephone operator..
And at no point during this process did they think.. "Hey, maybe I'm over-reacting here, I should let it go and worry about something that's actually important".

Just imagine these people had access to the internet??
Can you imagine the bile and rants of these people who get wound up and whinge about everything that could be spread throughout cyberspace..??
What a nightmare vision of a technological future..


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Blogger SilentBazz said...

You have a point Leon,
Newsgroups and forums seem to be very hostile places in my experience..
It would appear that the lunatics are taking over the asylum after all..

7:34 pm  

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